Monday, April 4, 2011

all over thoughts

I've been struggling with blogging lately, ever since the ex and I broke up. I've had a difficult time walking that fine line between what is just the right amount of sharing, and how much sharing is too much. It may finally get easier now that the ex is aware that I am seeing someone. I feel much better now that it's out in the open. I'm no longer afraid of him finding out some deep dark secret, and me feeling like I've betrayed someone. Overall, while hard to build up to, I think it's for the best.

I've become quite the homebody, in other news. I find myself wishing that staying home was an option more and more. I've started planning my meals for the week, in an effort to wean myself off of the Lean Cuisines and maintain a more realistic and satisfying grocery budget.

Holy Christmas, I have a love/hate relationship with food.

I'm reading a lot more. I find myself utilizing the library a lot more lately. I cancelled (well, put on hold, really) my Netflix subscription, and am getting by on movies rented from the library. And I am reading a lot. I'm trying to just... spend more time doing simple things that cost less money.

Also, the Brother is back home from Afghanistan, which is the best thing ever. We drove out to PA for a beer tasting with the Pops last Friday and snapped this picture. I think we all look pretty good.

I'm enjoying my new hair, but missing a softer, more feminine 'do.

I don't know. That's me. How are you?


  1. Love your new hair. I actually prefer short hair (for me) from a practical standpoint, but right now it's longer than I've had it in years because I like the "softer, feminine" do....

    I laughed after reading that you drove to PA, thinking..."Sheesh...they drove to Pennsylvania for beer?? That's hardcore"....and then, I used my brain and figured it out. :)

